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Stratiform precipitation, vertical heating profiles, and the Madden-Julian oscillation. Feasibility of seasonal forecast inferred from multiple GCM simulation. Monthly Weather Reviewv. The coastal winds off western subtropical South America in future climate scenarios. Ontheotherhand,thesubtropicalsouthwestAtlantic anticyclone SAA seems to be more intense during fall and winter in almost all models with the exception of the GISS model.Climate Change consenquences on the biome distribution in tropical South America. BrusselsFebruary a. The Drougth of Amazonia in Clima Presente – Variabilidade Sazonal: Subtropical Anticyclones and Summer Monsoons.

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Bulletin of the American Meteorological Societyv. Circulacao geral da atmosfera pdf to excelThis model does exhibit a relatively well simulated SACZ, contributing with a decrease of precipitation over Amazon. Characteristics of rainfall over Brazil: ENSO simulation in coupled ocean-atmosphere models: The SouthAtlantic Convergence Zone: Theoretical andApplied Climatologyv.International Journal of Climatology. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, p. Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Societyv.

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Recebido Dezembro Aceito Setembro Interdecadal variations in AGCM simulation skills.Services on Demand Journal. For the future,and time periodsin most atmosdera the models except the MIROCthe thermal continental low Chaco low is shifted to the southwest while the Bolivian High is northwest shifted during in the summer and spring. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japanv.

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Citculacao the contents of this journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. Em geral, os modelos subestimam a chuva sobre o sul e sudeste do Brasil e Paraguai, e a superestimam sobre o norte e sul do Chile e noroeste Argentino Figura 2b. Press, New York, Processes controlling the mean tropical Pacific precipitation pattern: Geophysical Research Letters vol. Advances in Gerxl Sciencesv.

MAPA CONCEITUAL by Pedro Delfino on PreziCharacteristics of subtropical frontal zones. Development of a Mean Monthly Terrestrial Climatology. On the origin of the Bolivian high and related circulation features of the South American Climate. Um ponto interessante, levantado por diversos autores Grimm et al. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, v. How to cite this article.

Simulations of the summer circulation over the South Beral region with an eta coordinate model.