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Cat Software Yaesu Ft 736r Mod

Cat Software Yaesu Ft 736r Mod Rating: 9,5/10 9177 votes

Modifications for the Yaesu FT-736 Modifications for the Yaesu FT-736English language (8 Kbytes)English language (5 Kbytes)English language (3 Kbytes)English language (4 Kbytes)English language (4 Kbytes)English language (3 Kbytes)English language (2 Kbytes)English language (2 Kbytes)English language (2 Kbytes)FO-20 Microsat & the Yaesu FT-736R English languageEnglish language (8 Kbytes)English language (2 Kbytes)English language (1 Kbytes)English language (1 Kbytes)English language (2 Kbytes)English language (1 Kbytes)This can be a very big file.!! (51 Kbytes)FO-20 Microsat & the Yaesu FT-736Rby James Miller G3RUHIf like me, one of the (many) features that attracted you to the FT736Rwas the special DATA SOCKET, then you were probably very pleased to readin the manual:'This 3-contact mini stereo jack allows direct connection to the FMreceiver demodulator and FM transmitter modulator for digital equipmentsuch as a packet radio TNC. No pre-emphasis or de-emphasis is added tothe signals at this jack' (page 14).Don't believe a word of it! A cursory inspection of the circuit diagramshows that the TX side is simply merged with the microphone audio justafter the Mic Gain control, and is then murdered by several subsequentfilters. On the RX side the data audio output is similarly indirect.My initial day with FO-20 was disastrous.

(Yours too?)So I looked at the FM signal on a calibrated monitor receiver whentransmitting FO-20/Microsat 'Manchester' uplink signals. The waveform wasappallingly distorted.The problem is that the TX LF response cuts off at 800 Hz. But the datahas substantial energy at 600 Hz and below. Indeed, when transmitting a600 Hz square wave it was clear from the droop distortion that FO-20 or aMicrosat would almost certainly not decode the uplink reliably.The cure is simple; modulate the FM varactor directly. Refer to thecircuit diagram; inject your TXaudio at the junction of R32/C29 on the TXUnit. The signal level at this point should be 800 mV peak-peak, and willgive +/- 3 kHz deviation.

Yaesu Ft 736r Specs

DO NOT EXCEED THIS LEVEL. Set Mic Gain to min.The implementation is simple too.Disconnect FT-736R from the mains electricity. (Safety).Remove top cover only.TX Unit is the module flat on the left (not the one tucked down the sidevertically).R32 is just to the left of the rectangular shielded enclosure.

The resistoris 'on end'. Scrape the paint off the free leg.Your TXaudio lead should be a fine screened cable; connect the inner to R32,and the outer braid to the adjacent enclosure.Route the cable out though any convenient aperture in the case. TXAudio of 800 mV pk-pk can be obtained from the G3RUH PSK modem byadjusting the components C9= 1uf, R3=47k, R5=infinity (i.e. C10stays at 10nf (0.01uf).Modulating the FM transmitter this way you get an LF response down to18 Hz (at which point the associated synthesiser PLL begins to track themodulation), and an HF response which is flat to some 10 kHz. FO-20/Microsat uplink modulation is now absolutely perfect.This modification is read 265 times.Have you any tips, trick or modifications you can't find here, please them to me, or use the.Can't you find a mods, please don't e-mail to me. All mods i have is listed on this site.!

Yaesu ft 736r transceiver

This software is a basic and simple Computer Aided Controller (CAT) program specifically for the Yaesu FT-857 radio. It provides an unlimited memory storage area which resides on the client side. Access is also provided for most of the menu items that have been defined in the Application Programmers Interface.This software was designed using the Microsoft.NET framework. Most computers should have a version of this already loaded, but if you receive an error on launch, you probably do not have the necessary libraries loaded. You can download the latest.NET version for your computer.Download the: NOTE: This version includes an update for localization which is still in Beta TestingView theThis software may run on Linux or Mac under WINE, although I have not tested it.

You will need to load up the.NET framwork under WINE though.